Well, the best thing about depression is how grateful one feels when it has passed and one can begin to feel again. And, yes, I'm speaking out of experience. I don't like it when I'm depressed, but it is a part of my life due to celiac disease and Epstein Barr.
So, what does God want me to learn from depression? He wants me to know that He is always there and will help me remember truth so I can live in grace whether I'm depressed or not...so I can be grateful whether I'm blue or not...so I can extend grace to others who are experiencing depression.
So when I'm singing the blues, I let my honey know that I'm depressed and it will go away eventually so he doesn't have to worry. I spend extra time with my Abba. I eat to feed the nutrient needs of my body and get healthful sleep and sunshine. And I give myself grace...