Friday, October 28, 2011

On the wall...

I'm putting the Lord's Prayer on pause until Tuesday - my granddaughter is coming in about three hours and I must finish getting things ready for company.

The final project in the guest room was to put a vinyl saying on the wall above the headboard.  I've always wanted to put one up, but never found one that seemed to fit.  Hobby Lobby had them on sale and this one is perfect for the guest room.  They really are pretty easy to put up.  Just follow the instructions:

I cut the pieces apart then taped them on the wall, using masking tape and a level.

 I put marks on the pieces with a pencil in case they moved.

Then I flipped each piece up, one at a time, and removed the backing.  I carefully put each one back down and pressed them onto the wall.

A plastic card came with the kit and I used it to rub the saying, pressing it onto the wall.

Then I slowly peeled the top paper away, using the card to smooth down any parts that weren't sticking.

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."  The guest room is finished!

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