Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bermuda grass...

I do NOT like Bermuda grass!  It sends out runners, is invasive and is not easy to pull out of the vegetable garden.  Now, the other weeds that have shallow roots or a single root are easy to pull and I don't mind them as much.  Of course, if I just stayed on top of the weeds in the garden, it would not be difficult to control them.  And the vegetables, strawberries and blueberry bushes would be beautiful things to behold!

Maybe because of the HOURS (well, it seemed like hours) spent hoeing the garden growing up, I have an aversion to weeding.  We planted a huge garden every year and enjoyed the fresh food.  Mom would can and freeze so we would have vegetables and pickles during the winter.  Planting the garden was a family affair.  Then my brothers and I would have the responsibility of controlling the weeds.  There was no such thing as sleeping in and if I drug my heels getting out to the garden, I would get too hot while hoeing and would begin to see stars. 

I'm sure all that fresh air and sunshine, along with all the fresh food, kept us healthy while we were growing up.  Plus, it was very tasty!  So, when I had my own family, we planted a garden of some kind every year.  And, yes, I made my kids weed!  The girls still joke about pulling bind weed in El Paso. 

I still have to be careful about staying out in the sun too long when I'm gardening.  If I get overheated, I'm done for the day and end up sitting like a lump on the couch.  My honey knows this about me and reminds me to drink water and take plenty of breaks. 

So this morning, as I was weeding, I thanked God for the overcast morning and was able to get the whole garden weeded so we can plant this weekend -except for a few patches of Bermuda grass.  Yay! 

As I was grunting and groaning trying to pull one of those patches of Bermuda grass, I thought about the curse that God spoke over Adam (and all men to follow) after he and Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit. 

Cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.  Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field..."  Genesis 3:17-18

Then it hit me, wait a minute!  These weeds are man's curse!  I will have to tell my honey that it is biblical that he be the one to do the weeding!  I wonder how he will feel about that...


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