Saturday, September 24, 2011

One of those days...

Thursday was just one of those days and Friday was a full day, so I am writing on Saturday to complete my mission for this week.  I found some interesting things about the Israeli-Palestinian issue.  Former President Jimmy Carter has written a book in which he claims he has an answer to this problem.  I watched an interview in which he talked about his 30 year work on this situation.  The hairs on the back of my neck went up when I heard him say, "We've got now a man that can bring peace to the Middle East and that man is Barak Obama."  Hmm...

Have you heard about the International Quartet?  That is the name United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has given to the four representatives that come from the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations as the powerhouse that claims they will solve this issue.  Their goal - divide Israel into two states.  The book of Joel describes the judgment that will come upon nations that divide the land.  Um...wait a minute.  The United States is one of those countries that is part of this quartet.  Could this have anything to do with all the natural disasters that we have been experiencing this year?  You know - the floods, droughts, wild fires, tornadoes, hurricanes.  What about the ongoing financial difficulties here and around the world?

"I will bless those who bless you 
and the one who curses you, I will curse..."
Genesis 12:3

In this chapter of Genesis, God is telling Abraham how He is going to make him the father of a great nation that will be the source of great blessing for all the families of the earth (through Jesus).  That great nation is Israel and God's promise is pretty clear that those nations that bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed.  And God gave specific boundaries for the land, as well.  It includes a lot more land than Israel currently has.

Well, Abbas turned in Palestine's application to be recognized as a state and become a member of the United Nations on Friday.  He then addressed the assembly and was warmly accepted with standing ovations and much applause from the many countries that support their bid for statehood.  A half an hour later, Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke and said that United Nations resolutions would not solve the problem in Israel.  He called for Abbas to meet with him while they were both in New York so they could negotiate peace.  I haven't heard if that meeting happened or not.  I will keep you posted or you can read about it on Joel Rosenberg's weblog. 

Then there is Ahmadinejab - he spoke before the assembly and watched as many delegates walked out during his speech because of his normal tirades against Israel and the United States and his insistence that the holocaust didn't really happen.  King Abdullah of Jordan thinks that Israel is to blame for Iran's nuclear program because of the injustice against the Palestinians and Jerusalem and says, "If you start taking those cards off the table, then Iranian influence on the Mediterranean through Hezbollah and Hamas in Gaza diminishes or becomes non existent."  That is interesting considering Ahmadinejab says that Israel should be wiped off the map and has threatened any Arab nation that sides with Israel. 

Wow...what a mess - all because Abraham wouldn't wait on God's timing. One last thing before I close this post.  I've read and heard it said that Israel is occupying Palestine.  I even heard that on KLOVE.  Really?!  God gave that land to Abraham and his descendants through Isaac.  They were there a long time before any Palestinians moved into the land after many of the Jews were taken captive by other nations.  So, the Palestinians are the ones who are occupying ancient Israeli land. 

So interesting...

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