Monday, December 12, 2011

Empty hands...

Ok, I had all my Christmas shopping done and all the gifts wrapped before Thanksgiving.  And yet, I find that I am still too busy.  What's up with that?! 

I think a lot of days I let myself get too busy to think about God's grace.  I fill my days with activities and ministry and miss out on the blessing of knowing and recognizing this wonderful grace on a daily basis in my life, even though I love to study God's Word and I love it when He speaks to my heart.  I just have to empty my hands of their activity, be still and listen.  He is so gracious! 

God always pours His grace into empty hands.
St. Augustine

Bean Bags for the Kiddos

I have several games for my grandkids to play when they are here that require bean bags.  We've been playing the games with tennis balls and they just would be better with bean bags.  So, I retrieved my bag of deer corn out of the garage and made six bean bags with scrap fabric that I already had.  FREE!!

I cut a 6" square out of printer paper to use as a pattern and cut twelve squares of fabric to make three polka dot bean bags and three red bean bags.  

I sewed the bags on three sides using 1/2" seams, turned them and clipped the corners, filled each one with one cup of deer corn (you can use dried beans), folded in the open edges and sewed each bag closed.  We are ready to play!

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