Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Love always protects and trusts...

I thought this was an interesting combination - protects and trusts.  In the KJV these words are written as bears all things and believes all things. 

So, how is it loving to protect?  In this passage, protect means to strengthen by covering (like a roof covers a house) through patient endurance.  A roof protects what is inside the building. Rain drips off a roof instead of soaking in and ruining what's inside.  Hmm...  So, does that mean that if I am loving/protecting, I cause things to "drip off" instead of soaking in and getting my relationships "wet"?  I do believe this is something I could spend some time praying about!

What should we always trust?  Trust is a mental persuasion, to believe.  As Christians, we can always trust Christ - in His love for us and the salvation He has provided for us.  We can love others because He loved us first!

Fly Lady

Today is Plan and Play Day.  Wouldn't it be great to not have to put any mental effort into meals every day?  Get your family involved.  Ask them what their favorite meals are, then teach them how to make them.  Your family learns how to help in the kitchen and it's always helpful to have more cooks!

Weight Loss Tip

A couple of years ago, my honey and I went to a First Place For Health Bible study.  It was great incentive to exercise and eat healthy proportions for snacks and meals.  We both lost enough weight that we felt good and our clothes fit so much better.  Then, between my dad passing away unexpectedly (you don't care much about walking and healthy eating when you are depressed) and my honey getting a promotion that caused him to be at his desk most of the day, we have both put back on most of the weight over the last two years that we had lost.  Not good! 

We have been determined to get back on track!  We are walking again, and my goal is to make food prep and calorie counting easier. I am going to get a menu done!  Figuring out all the calories is a tedious job...

The other day when I was on Pinterest, I came across this simple idea that I think is really going to help me get the weight off.  I have put two juice glasses on my bathroom vanity with the labels - Pounds To Go and Pounds Lost.  Then I stepped on the scale...holding my breath...groaned, then figured out how many pounds I wanted to lose.  I put one marble for each pound in the Pounds To Go glass (it doesn't look like many marbles in the picture, but there are over thirty - that in itself was encouraging!).  I wrote down my goal weight at the top of a card then my initial weight from that day.  Every Sunday morning, I will weigh myself, record my weight on the card and hopefully move marbles to the Pounds Lost glass. 

Ok, I started this process on a Tuesday so I only had five days until my first Sunday weigh in.  I  LOST  TWO  POUNDS!!  I couldn't believe it!  Seriously!  I thoroughly enjoyed moving two marbles to the Pounds Lost glass!  I am a visual learner so I believe this is going to work for me.  Cool!

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