Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Worthy of our trust...

Ok, today I am going to summarize the Lord's Prayer with the information from the word studies that we have been looking at for the last two weeks.  Please remember that this is only an interpretation.  Here we go!

So, this is how we should pray:

Thank you, Father God, for redeeming us and making us your children.  We need to always remember that you don't live in a building, but in heaven.  That is beyond our comprehension and we need to be mindful of your sovereignty.  We want to be different from the world and bring honor to your name because we are earnestly pursuing obedience to your Word.


Father, your kingdom exists now in human hearts and will one day be a physical kingdom here on earth.  (Jesus, come quickly!).  Help us accomplish your purpose in our hearts and lives to please you 
and create joy on earth through your wisdom and power instead of the emptiness, weakness and sinfulness of this world.


Please provide what we need to live today.  Please forgive us when we live for ourselves instead of pleasing you.  Help us remember that you forgive us when we are willing to forgive people who offend us, following your example of forgiveness.


Father God, please don't let us get anywhere near temptation to sin.  Drag us away from the danger of Satan's evil schemes to destroy us.  Free us from any strongholds of sin in our lives.


We feel secure in the fact that you have all power and all capability.  Father, you have a glorious reputation that will never change and will be the same forever, worthy of our trust.

I hope and pray this is encouraging to you!


I have a couple of drawers where I keep my fabric pieces and scraps.  I really have no clue what all is in those drawers because I just in put what's left from my projects.  Then I saw this idea on Pinterest (of course!) and knew I had to take control of my fabric!  It will probably take a whole day to complete this project, but it will keep me from buying fabric I don't need.


Squares of fabric
O ring
Elmer's glue

Cut your squares of fabric and glue near the bottom of the tags.  Measure the fabric and write the info with a pencil (so you can change the measurement as you use more of the fabric) on the tag above the fabric. Connect with an O ring.  If you quilt and have a lot of fabric, you might want to have different O rings separating the tags according to fabric color and/or pattern. Store the tags where you have easy access to them.  I think mine will be hung on my inspiration board.

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