Thursday, August 30, 2012


To say that I detest election year commercials would be an understatement.  This year they are even more detestable than ever.  What gets me most is that the makers of the commercials assume we will believe whatever they produce if there is enough money and power behind the commercials.  

Regardless which party you adhere to, the commercials are biased and give very limited information about what the candidates believe.  That is the nature of the beast.  My remote mute button is getting a lot of use.

Instead, I would encourage everyone to study the ideology (the ideas that cause the actions) behind each candidate and their party, even the lesser known parties, and make your choice based on what you discover. 

As much as I don't like where President Obama has taken our country, he has been true to his ideology.  That being said, I will not be voting for him in November because the ideology I hold to demands fiscal responsibility (yes, I am a Dave Ramsey fan!), social responsibility (helping people make a better life for themselves and taking care of those who can't physically or mentally care for themselves - without free handouts to the lazy paid for by hardworking people), the sanctity of life, marriage defined as God defines it and the interpretation of our Constitution that carries the original intent of our founding fathers.  They were brilliant men who asked God for wisdom and our amazing Constitution and Bill of Rights are the result of that God-given wisdom. 

It saddens me that most Americans, especially the younger generations, have no idea what the Constitution says or what rights we are guaranteed as Americans that are slowly being taken away because of ignorance.  I used to tell my history students that if we don't know what our rights are, they can be taken away from us. I am very thankful for the young people who are notable exceptions!

By the way, separation of church and state is NOT in the Constitution.  That phrase was taken from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson and is not even used in the same context and meaning of his letter.  Look it up!

There is a lot that needs fixed in Washington D.C., but the most important thing that needs to happen is this example of King Hezekiah from 2 Chronicles 31:20 - 21:

And so Hezekiah did throughout all Judah (He called the priests to holiness and charged the people to give their tithe to the Temple and to serve God); and he did what was good, right, and true before the Lord his God.  And every work which he began in the service of the house of God in law and in commandment, seeking his God, he did with all his heart and prospered.

There first needs to be a revival of lives lived in obedience to the Lord in the church, then in Washington, before there will be any lasting change and prosperity in our country.  Until then, we will get the leaders we deserve and politics will continue to stink.

Household Tip

Speaking of stink - I noticed the last few months that my washcloths and kitchen towels started smelling sour after they got wet the first time.  Eeewww...

So, I gathered them up and put them in a mixing bowl, filled the bowl with hot water and added 1 cup of white distilled vinegar.  They soaked for several hours, then were wrung out and tossed in the washing machine with detergent and about 1/2 cup of baking soda.  They smell fresh and clean again.

If you have bath towels that smell sour, you can add a cup of vinegar to the washing machine when you wash them.  Always dry your towels immediately after washing them to keep them smelling nice.

Note:  You should change your dishcloth and kitchen towels EVERY day.  Otherwise, they just become breeding ground for bacteria.  Gross!

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